The gripping thing about conspiracy theories is how apt they actually are. Many Conspiracy Theories fairly accurately describe the development of an ongoing situation in the world. The problem is, the theorists make the mistake of thinking these situations develop intentionally. Mostly, they do not.
This is like Intelligent Design vs Evolution, Intelligent Design maintaining that the universe has unfolded along a logical, preplanned intent, Evolution saying "it all just happened". I tend to be somewhere in the middle. Some of "this" was planned and has unfolded as intended, some of "this" just happened with no design or intent at all.
I think the same thing is true with the state of the world today. Some of it is intentional, some of it is not. I do look at everything that happens in such a way as to see who is benefiting from what event, but I do not think that every event is planned to happen exactly as it does. I think many events are planned, but I also think that many beneficiaries of events are simply extremely opportunistic.
To say that everything important that happens has been planned by someone and that we are all under the control of that "someone" is to accord that "someone" with god-like powers, it is to make them god. But in the case of conspiracy theories, it is to make them evil gods.
Rulers rule by facilitating the dependence of others upon themselves. Leaders facilitate the independence of others by mastering self-sufficiency and providing truly great examples which others who wish to be independent follow willingly.
So ultimately, each of us are our own masters, and when we choose to be dependent on "someone" we are choosing to be ruled by them. The problems we face are not so much from the devious plans of Illuminati as they are from generation after generation of millions of people choosing to be dependent on "someone". Certainly those who want power have facilitated that dependency, sometimes have coerced it. But they would have gotten nowhere if those millions of us would have chosen independence or demise in the face of tyranny; liberty or death.
Want to be free from "someone" you think is oppressing you? The key is your own self-sufficiency and willingness to fight for your independence.
I am wondering who really gives us the ethereal and invincible enemy of the Illuminati; who really gives us this ghost to be against, and in being so passionately against it we spend resources that could be spent on being for something of our own design, our own creation our own intent. Whoever that "someone" is, they have devised one hell of a conspiracy.
The battle begins in your own mind.